Thursday, February 09, 2006

in a mirror

i sat, getting my daughter ready for bed, listening to her talk and watching her face light up at the words she's articulating. and i watched. i looked at her in the mirror; she was just to my side, turned enough away so that i couldn't quite see her face. so i relied on the mirror to show me her expressions. but i felt drawn. the mirror was nice, the reflection pretty clear. but it wasn't complete. here she was beside me, and i was gazing into a mirror to see her. so i turned. i leaned. i looked into her adoring face and felt my heart squeeze with a love so profound, i wanted to never have to look in a mirror again. she was real. she was right beside me. how could i substitute anything else? and then i realized - that's how it will be when i finally see my Father. when the mirror is cast away, and i'm turned, leaned, slightly shifted so that i can see His face with my own eyes. it's going to be perfect. complete. beyond comparison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The eyes, they grow dim as time goes by....and the mirror dims the vision as it gets a little dirt on it...we gaze intently into it, trying to catch a view of the wonder that is shown to us by the child. Nothing is more precious than seeing the beauty of a mother caring for her child, taking in the joys of new discovery, watching the learning process go on day after day....a mirror only shows a part of the whole. God has made us a complete person, not to be shielded from the world by the reflection of Him in a mirror, but to be protected from this world by having Him walk with us, carry us through the rough times and have His glory show in our lives on a daily basis.

Your insight is remarkable, your comparisons moving and your vision into the soul of each of us greatly appreciated.